A Christmas Baby
Is there any better gift than a Christmas Baby? Both of my girls made their debut just before Christmas. Autumn was born on December 16th a few days early. And miss Adeline was born one week early on December 6th. So, it only seemed right to give our baby girl a Christmas themed session.
She loves her sleep and found our little red buck such a cozy spot that she grunted and grumbled when the session was over and she needed to come out. Our little Christmas baby or should I say babies sure make the holiday season extra special. Don’t get me wrong, having a newborn baby and recovering from a c-section meant we couldn’t travel out to family parties as we normally did that first Christmas. The doctor wanted us to keep her away from big gatherings at the height of flue season. And riding in the car after surgery was pretty painful at that time. But thankfully my family just packed up all the traditions and festivities and brought them right to us. And that is
How about you? Did you have a Christmas baby? How did you handle the holiday’s that year?
And as all baby’s do, she has grown up quickly! Be sure to hop over to look at her 6 month session, her 9 month outdoor bubble bath session and her one year portraits and minimalistic cake smash.
[…] I am always amazed how much babies grow and change in the first year. To think that she was just a tiny newborn baby 6 short months ago is mind boggling. If you want to take a peak at her Christmas themed newborn session, click here. […]
[…] this little one has grown! If you want to see for yourself, take a peak at her newborn portraits, newborn Christmas session,her 6 month session here. or our outdoor bubble bath […]
[…] was extra special because Addie is my little girl! You can take a peak at her newborn session here and here. And, I’m sure you’ll see quite a few family sessions of her and big sister […]
Such a sweetheart!