1st birthday theme | Winter Onederland

      I started thinking about our daughter’s 1st birthday theme this summer as my husband and I drove to the beach.  Our 8 month old daughter was sound asleep in the back seat. At the time, it seemed almost silly. Too early  to be thinking about her first birthday. Then I blinked. December was here. Our daughter was turning one. And I have know idea how that sweet newborn I was holding in my arms just a year ago grew up so fast! I’m sure all you moms know that feeling. Where does the time go?

      Everyone warned me it would fly by. I knew it would, but I guess I just didn’t expect it go by that fast. The memories of holding my newborn daughter in the hospital. And those first terrifying nights at home that only a first time parent can understand. Did they seriously think we were capable of keeping this tiny person alive?!? These memories are still so vivid.

      But sitting in front of me is a daughter who now is holding onto furniture to cruise. She is babbling away as if we are having a logical conversation. Each day she shows me just how much she is growing. It is amazing how much she changed in one year’s time. And even more amazing is how a love for her that seems to be more than I thought humanly possible. And that love continues to grow deeper with each passing day. Happy 1st birthday Autumn! We love you!

      The Party

      1st birthday theme | Winter Onederland
      1st birthday 
      1st birthday
       winter party theme 
      Displaying photos for birthday party
      Creative ways to display photos
      Winter Onederland
       child’s birthday party ideas


      !st birthday party ideas
      1st birthday party details
      Winter Onederland dessert ideas
      1st birthday dessert ideas
      Winter Onederland cake
      1st birthday cake 
      1st birthday activities
      birthday time capsule 
      1st birthday outfit
       1st birthday bloomers 
      1st birthday chalkboard sign
      Birthday chalkboard 


      […] our second daughter’s first birthday. After photographing her party and my oldest’s 1st birthday party not too long ago, I thought I’d share the tips I use photograph my child’s birthday […]